Learn how new projects are approved


All new projects must meet environmental, cultural heritage and planning approvals before they can proceed.

Community Engagement Review

The Australian Government on the 2 February 2024 released the Community Engagement Review and accepted in principle all its recommendations. The review was commissioned in July 2023 to advise on improving community engagement on renewable energy infrastructure developments.

The Review made the following recommendations:
• encourage best practice and select reputable developers for new projects
• reduce unnecessary and onerous community engagement by improving the way project sites are selected
• make engagement more efficient by revising planning and approval processes
• improve complaint handling processes
• keep communities informed about the transition, including its goals, benefits and requirements
• equitably share the benefits of the transition.
Learn more here

Solar energy

The Victorian Minister for Planning is the responsible authority for new planning permit applications of all energy generation facilities that are 1 megawatt or greater. This includes solar energy facilities. Learn more here.

Onshore wind farms

The Victorian Minister for Planning is the responsible authority for new planning permit applications of all wind energy generation facilities that are 1 megawatt or greater. These applications are assessed against the local planning scheme to ensure they are affordable, environmentally friendly and beneficial for the local community. Learn more about the planning process here.

Offshore Wind farms

The Federal Minister for Energy and Climate Change has the authority to declare areas within Commonwealth waters (three nautical miles from the coast) open for offshore wind development. Minister Chris Bowen declared 15,000km of the waters off Gippsland, between Lakes Entrance and Wilsons Promontory, open on 22 December 2022. Declared area in the Gippsland Region

During the public consultation on the proposed Gippsland area, 765 submissions were received from the public. A large number of submissions (313) stated they were supportive of the proposal. Submissions raised concerns: environmental impacts, visual amenity, recreational and commercial fishing, onshore impacts, shipping impacts. Submissions also supported: the development of an offshore wind industry, potential benefits to the local economy, transitioning to clean renewable energy.  Gippsland, Victoria—Public Consultation Summary Report

The Victorian Government has released an Implementation Statement 3 including updates on procurement approaches, legislative and regulatory reform, supply chain and local supply, and transmission and ports. It also outlines an approach to protecting the environment and continued commitment to working with Traditional Owners and support meaningful steps to self-determination.

Pre-feasability activity

Before an area is officially declared suitable for offshore wind, a developer may start earlier investigations in possible offshore wind areas. This is called ‘pre-feasibility activity’ and can include:

  • consulting with the community to understand their concerns or opportunities
  • doing assessments on the environment, such as understanding more about migratory birds and marine life in these areas.

Communities in Gippsland have already seen some of this developer activity. Three offshore wind developers have been funded through the Energy Innovation Fund to do pre-feasibility activity.

Feasibility licence May 2024

A total of twelve offshore wind projects have now been granted feasibility licenses for the Gippsland Offshore Wind Zone, enabling a potential generation capacity of 25 GW.

In May 2024, the Hon Chris Bowen MP Federal Government Minister for Climate Change & Environment granted feasibility licences for 6 offshore wind projects.

These include:

  • High Sea Wind Pty Ltd
  • Gippsland Skies Pty Ltd
  • Blue Mackerel North Pty Ltd
  • Kut-Wut Brataualung Pty Ltd
  • Ørsted Offshore Australia 1 Pty Ltd (Gippsland 01)
  • Star of the South Wind Farm Pty Ltd

Feasibility licence July 2024

In July 2024 a further six feasibility licenses were approved by the Hon Chris Bowen Mp Federal Government Minister for Climate Change & Environment.

These include:

  • Iberdrola Australia OW 2 Pty Ltd (Aurora Green)
  • Greater Gippsland 2 OWP Project Pty Ltd (Gippsland Dawn)
  • Navigator North Project Pty Ltd
  • Ørsted Offshore Australia 1 Pty Ltd (Gippsland 02)
  • Kent Offshore Wind Pty Ltd
  • Great Eastern Offshore Wind Farm Project Co Pty Ltd

Gippsland offshore wind industry a step closer to reality

During the feasibility licence stage, licence holders will undertake detailed environmental assessments, including potential approvals under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

Administered by the Federal Government Department of Climate Change, Energy the Environment and Water (DCCEEW)

Feasibility licence holders are expected to engage and involve both existing marine users and the community wherever possible in the design of their projects, they will also need to continue to consult and engage with First Nations groups.

Licence holders must develop management plans for approval by the Offshore Infrastructure Regulator. Management plans must explain how they will coexist with existing users, such as shipping and fisheries. Construction can only begin after the feasibility stage is completed and developers have gained all environmental and management plan approvals.


Transmission lines - Federal Government role

The current process for building transmission projects in Victoria is:

  • The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) forecasts what is needed at a national level – and when – in its Integrated System Plan.
  • AEMO Victorian Planning (AVP) identifies the best project to meet the need through a cost-benefit analysis (the regulatory investment test for transmission), including a proposed location for the project.
  • AVP then runs a contestable procurement process to award a contract for the selected project’s design, construction, ownership and operation.
  • The successful proponent undertakes a detailed project design and relevant planning and environmental approvals, including determining a preferred project route.

Learn more about the process for planning and building transmission.

Transmission lines - State Government role

The Victorian Government, through VicGrid, also plays a role in transmission development in Victoria. 

  • Consultation on the Victorian Transmission Plan (VTP) – to ensure we have the right infrastructure in the right place at the right time to support the transition to renewable energy.    Help plan Victoria’s renewable future 
  • developing the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework – REZ Community Benefits. coordinating the planning and development of our renewable energy zones (REZs)
  • overseeing investment decisions related to the $540 million REZ Fund
  • working with AEMO to identify network investments
  • working on a preliminary design of the Victorian Transmission Investment Framework
  • partnering with AEMO to deliver the transmission required to connect new offshore wind resources to the grid.
  • VicGrid is developing the shared transmission line to connect offshore wind energy generated off the Gippsland coast to the grid. Gippsland offshore wind transmission

The role of local government

Local governments cannot approve or decline large scale renewable energy projects. Local governments can build regional partnerships with and advocate to state and federal governments. Local governments can influence residential and industrial land supply through local planning, can support business in securing new supply chains and can keep communities informed. Gippsland local governments involved in responding to new energy projects include:

Wellington Shire Council instigated the first Report that was adopted in 2023 –Renewable Energy Planning including Renewable Energy Impact and Readiness Study

Latrobe City and South Gippsland Shire Council collaborated to develop their report in 2024 – Renewable Energy impact and Readiness Study 

One Gippsland – Offshore Wind Policy

Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen MP, Minister for Energy and Resources Lily D'Ambrosio MP, Wellington Shire Mayor Ian Bye, Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic MP, in Seaspray to officially announce Gippsland as Australia’s first offshore wind area, 19-12-2020.

Traditional Owner rights and interests

Traditional Owners have unique legal rights and interests across their Country. These include rights and interests under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (Vic), Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (Vic) and the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic).

The Gunaikurnai are traditional owners of the land and waters bordering much of the proposed renewable energy zone. The declared offshore wind zone borders on land and waters which the Gunaikurnai people hold Native Title over and which the State of Victoria have entered into an agreement with Gunaikurnai people under the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010. The area also takes in the seabed which in recent archaeological history was occupied by Gunaikurnai ancestors.

To find out more about the aspirations of the Gunaikurnai, view the Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation’s Renewable Energy Strategy. 

Launched at the Gippsland New Energy Conference 2024 by GLaWAC CEO Daniel Miller the “Pathways to Partnerships” outlines a comprehensive approach for project proponents to engage with GLaWAC, beginning with demonstrating respect, building trust, and aligning on shared values of protecting Country and cultural heritage. The pathway continues with developing strong partnerships and culminates in delivering best-practice agreements that secure positive outcomes for all stakeholders.

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