What do we mean by transmission?


Transmission infrastructure is the poles and wires that transport electricity from where it is generated to where it is used. In the case of large-scale energy generation projects, larger, high voltage lines are needed to transport the energy.

Victoria’s grid is historically the strongest in the Latrobe Valley, where our coal-fired power is mainly based. However, our renewable resources are dispersed across Victoria – from our windy coastlines to our sunny plains. New transmission is critical to our clean energy transition – it will make sure all project can be connected to the grid, so we can access their energy.

VicGrid is a new Victorian Government entity that has been established to coordinate transmission line planning and development for Victoria’s renewable energy zones. Supporting with projects that enable new clean energy reforms that give communities a voice and provide certainty for investors.

To see an interactive map of the proposed route go here 

Marinus Link is a proposed electricity and telecommunications interconnector between Tasmania and Victoria.

It will enable the flow of electricity in both directions between the two states, delivering low-cost, reliable and clean energy for customers in the National Electricity Market (NEM). It will enable excess energy generated on the mainland to be stored in Tasmania’s hydro storage and made available for use when NEM demand outstrips supply.

In December 2023, the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) reaffirmed Marinus Link as an urgent transmission project as part of the lowest-cost pathway to Australia’s net-zero emissions targets.

Marinus Link will cross Bass Strait in a relatively straight line between Heybridge in North West Tasmania and Waratah Bay on Victoria’s south coast. From there it will run underground for 90km to Hazelwood in the Latrobe Valley, where it will connect to a converter station and then to the existing grid.

Marinus Link is currently in the Design and Approvals phase, with a Final Investment Decision due in December 2024.

G-REZ project – AusNet Services has been developing the Gippsland Renewable Energy Zone™ transmission project (G-REZ™) which is proposed to unlock 3-4GW of renewable energy by 2029. The project would involve the construction of a new, 500kV, double circuit transmission line to connect renewable energy generators to the National Electricity Market (NEM). AusNet has spent several years undertaking extensive work to identify a preferred route, engage with landowners proposed to host infrastructure and other key stakeholders and make adjustments to the preferred route based on their feedback and complete ecological and cultural heritage surveys.

AusNet supports the role of VicGrid in leading transmission project planning and development in Victoria. As VicGrid progresses this work, AusNet has slowed down some of its activities in relation to the G-REZ project, including deferring broad community engagement.

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