How can you get involved?

Get Involved

There is a real opportunity for Gippslanders to help to shape the development of new energy in our region. Knowledge about what these developments mean and being clear about our priorities, sensitivities and aspirations as a region will help our response. 

There are many ways in which individuals, communities and organisations can get involved in shaping Gippsland’s New Energy future. Learn, have your say, attend an event, join a community energy group and more. Check below for current engagement opportunities.

Roundtable: Transmission Lines - 9 November, Flynn Community Hall

VicGrid is coordinating transmission for offshore wind in Gippsland. Learn more at a roundtable discussion at the Flynn Community Hall 4:30pm – 6:30pm 9 November 2023. Numbers are limited, so please book your spot now: or phone VicGrid on 1800 418 341 to register.

What's On?

Wind Turbine Visualisation

Wind Turbine Visualisation

What might an offshore wind farm look like off the coast of Gippsland?

Link to interactive Gippsland beach view.

Wind turbine visualisations are digital images that illustrate how wind farms might appear to the eye when looking out to sea from certain points on the coastline.

The Gippsland offshore wind declared area begins at least 10km from shore, in waters governed by the Australian Government.

To understand what wind turbines off the coast of Gippsland might look like, we have developed a series of interactive images of offshore wind turbines seen from two popular locations, Golden Beach and Woodside Beach, at three different distances from shore – 10km, 30km, and 60km.

Details from Vic Gov Energy, Environment & Climate Action. 

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Draft REZ Community Benefits Plan

Draft REZ Community Benefits Plan

VicGrid is inviting you to join them in Leongatha or Sale to discuss the draft Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) Community Benefits Plan.

The plan will establish how the Victorian Government will allocate funds from transmission companies and energy project developers, to deliver lasting benefits to landholders, communities and First Peoples.

Session Details:

Leongatha, Wednesday 22 May,
3pm – 5pm

Sale, Thursday 23 May,
3pm – 5pm

Online | 4 June,

For more details about in person and online sessions, including how to register, please visit:

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VicGrid Offshore Wind Transmission Map

VicGrid Offshore Wind Transmission Map

VicGrid has provided the community with an interactive map to explore the proposed transmission route. 

The proposed transmission technology is a double circuit 330 kilovolts (kV) or 500 kV overhead transmission line. Further detailed analysis is needed to determine whether 330 kV or 500 kV is the best solution.

Offshore wind is set to play a key role in powering Victoria as coal-fired power stations retire.
This transmission infrastructure will support the state’s first offshore wind target of 2 gigawatts (GW) by 2032, enough to power 1.5 million homes.

Offshore wind energy connections to the VicGrid connection hub are subject to the outcome of the feasibility licence process which is still underway.

Explore the map of the study area by click Learn More.

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VicGrid Offshore Wind Transmission Study

VicGrid Offshore Wind Transmission Study

Transmission is a crucial component of the renewable and new energy transition not only for Gippsland but for all of Victoria.  VicGrid recently released a very important report on the study area for a new transmission line that will connect offshore wind energy to Victoria’s energy grid.

To learn more about the study area and next steps visit Click Learn More. 

Learn More

What's On Form

A map of Gippsland showing renewable energy projects that community groups are activating and celebrating.

Image credit: Angharad Neal Williams and Gippsland Social Enterprise Collective.

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