Offshore Wind


Offshore wind farms are placed in areas of water that experience strong and reliable winds. Winds off Victoria’s coastline are among the best in the world and the resource can support a thriving new industry.

Gippsland is the first place in Australia to have an Offshore Wind Declared Area. This area is approximately 15,000 square kilometres and runs from offshore of Lakes Entrance in the east, to south of Wilsons Promontory in the West.

On 1 May 2024, the Australian Government announced the first round of successful feasibility licence applicants for the Gippsland offshore wind declared area. Link to Quick Facts. 

Approval for Offshore Wind projects is provided by the Federal Government, as the projects are in Commonwealth waters. At present, developers have applied for feasibility licences to progress to their next stage of project development. No projects in Gippsland have yet been awarded a license.

Because of the significant scale of the energy the generate, offshore wind farms are a key pillar in this renewable transition and will play a significant role in meeting Victorian renewable energy targets. They will also provide many opportunities for Gippsland including: 

  • New jobs and career pathways.
  • Boosts for businesses through manufacturing and supply chain development.
  • Regional investment.
  • Clean and healthy energy production.
Visit Offshore Wind Energy Victoria to learn more about how offshore wind farms work, the benefits of this new energy source and how the new sector will be established in Victoria.

Victoria continues to lead the development of offshore wind energy in Australia.
Through the release of Offshore Wind Energy Implementation Statement 3. 

The Australian Government has established a regulatory framework for offshore wind to realise the potential of some of the best wind resources in the world. 

Visit Offshore wind in Australia – DCCEEW for more details on process, timelines and follow the link for a quick reference to common questions Myth busting – DCCEEW

A map shows the location of the proposed offshore wind projects in waters off Gippsland. (Supplied: Office of Chris Bowen MP)
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